Is it possible to use two sets of stator blades after each set of rotor blades in an axial compressor? |

Trending 2 months ago

I americium presently designing an axial aerial compressor for a project, and I require nan stator blades to trim nan velocity from 50m/s to 2.5 m/s successful each shape of nan stator. This requires a ratio of nan areas to beryllium 20. Hence, nan circumferential spread betwixt nan edges of consecutive blades request to person a ratio of 20 passim to beryllium capable to execute nan same. The blades commencement astatine a radius of 30mm and extremity astatine 50mm. This makes nan ratio of 20 look difficult to achieve.

Hence, I was wondering if it would beryllium imaginable to disagreement nan ratio of 20 into 2 stages of stator blades, 1 of ratio 4, and 1 of 5, hence achieving a much applicable design. However, I person not seen specified a point done anywhere.

I judge it would make consciousness because nan stators fundamentally person kinetic power into unit energy, and hence nan different stages shouldn't matter much.

However, I americium struggling to understand really nan aerial would behave astatine nan interface of nan 2 stators. There would beryllium a abrupt alteration successful area astatine that point, which is thing I don't understand really nan behaviour would beryllium in.
